xilancer saas platform

Welcome to Xilacner, your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and efficient freelance marketplace. Crafted with the powerful Laravel framework, Xilacner is designed to cater to both freelancers and clients, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for all users. Whether you are aiming to launch a full-scale freelance platform or a niche job-posting site, Xilacner is your go-to choice.

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Important Notice

This Cloud Storage Plugin will not work unless you have use it with Xilancer – Freelancer Marketplace Platform with Services & Projects


Top Features

  • Enable/Disable Cloud Storage
  • Aws S3 Cloud Storage Support
  • Wasabi Cloud Storage Support
  • Cloudflare R2 Cloud Storage Support

Changes Log

Date: September 3rd, 2024
1. Chat image upload issue cloud server.
2. Render cloud image in profile details page.
3.Translate issue fix.

    Initial Release

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