Note: This is not a standalone application. This is a plugin for Perfex CRM. You have to install the Perfex – Powerful Open Source CRM to use this plugin.

Have you been wondering how not to show some Conditional Fields on your Form because it doesn’t apply to every user?

Have you been wondering how to know which section of the form your clients are dropping off?

Have you been wondering how to capture more data for from Leads, Customers, Feedback, Survey without using eternal Form Website Like Google Forms or TypeForm?

These questions and many more are the reasons why we’ve developed Flexform for you and your Business.

Now, Imagine the power of Advance Form similar to Google Form/Typeform within your Perfex software.

You can now Create an Awesome and Modern Form within your Perfex Software.

“Flexform” “Flexform”

Still wondering why you are not getting enough Leads or data for your business, they might be dropping off half way on the Web to Lead Form, With FlexForm, you can View and Access Partial Submissions .






You no longer have to worry about how third party Form websites handles your Clients and Business data, you can now manage it in house.

Saves Time

Your users don’t have to see Form Fields that doesn’t apply to them.
You don’t have to create multiple forms just because you don’t want them to see fields that doesn’t apply them. You can resolves that with Flexform Smart Conditional Logic

Improves Privacy

You no longer need to hand over your user data to external Form website or worry above how they manage your data. With Flexform, you can Manage Everything internally within your Perfex CRM

Beautiful Designs

No more Long boring Forms, Make your forms worth filling out and Get more data. “Flexform”

Start Creating Beautiful, Smart and Intelligent Form today with Flexform.



Admin Username




Please send an email from Support page for any issues, questions or suggestions. To save time and get quick feedback, please don’t ask for support in comments section.


Version 1.0.2 – 28th August 2024

 ADDED : Tickets Mapping similar to Leads and Customer, auto sync to Tickets record (Ticket Attachments supported) 
 ADDED : Accept Terms and condition Checkout option Form 
 ADDED : Bots Prevention, added Recaptcha Option on Form 
 ADDED : Optional Logo Display on Form 
 General Fixes and Improvement

Version 1.0.1 – 15th August 2024

 General Improvements
 FIXED : Date time to match other timezone display
 FIXED : Improved mobile responsiveness
 FIXED :  Improved Add New Block Layout 
 ADDED : Date and Datetime picker improvement on Smart logic 
 FIXED File upload question type improvements 
Version 1.0.0 – 11th August 2024
 Initial Release 

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