This Laravel-based Viavi Real Estate Portal is designed to create a seamless and user-friendly experience for both property sellers and buyers. The script allows property owners to list properties with detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and essential features, making it easy for potential buyers to find their dream home.

This Viavi Real Estate Portal is designed to make property management and browsing a breeze, offering a robust set of features tailored to the needs of today’s real estate market.

For Sales Inquiry – WhatsApp: +919227777522

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For Support Inquiry – Skype: support.viaviweb

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Connect with us on Social Media for regular updates

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Demo Admin Panel:

Password: admin

Demo Website

Website Demo User

Password: 12345678

Key Features

User Authentication and Authorization:

  • Secure login and registration system.
  • Role-based access control for Administrators, Sub Administrators and Owners.

  • Property Management:

  • Easy-to-use property listing creation and editing interface.
  • Upload multiple images for each property.
  • Detailed property descriptions with rich text editing.

  • Advanced Search and Filtering:

  • Search properties by purpose, price, type, and other criteria.
  • Save favorite properties

  • Responsive Design:

  • Fully responsive and mobile-friendly design.
  • Optimized for all devices and screen sizes.

  • Payment Integration:

  • Support for various payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, Razorpay, PayStack, PayUMoney and Flutterwave).

  • Admin Dashboard:

  • Comprehensive dashboard for site administrators.
  • Manage users, properties, transactions, and site settings.

  • Notifications and Alerts:

  • Email notifications for property inquiries and subscription plan purchase.
  • Configure SMTP email settings through the admin panel.

  • SEO Optimization:

  • Built-in SEO tools to optimize property listings for search engines.
  • Sitemap support

  • Social Media Integration:

  • Share property listings on popular social media platforms.
  • Sitemap support

  • Security:

  • Implementing SQL Injection Prevention Measures to Safeguard Against Hacking
  • Regular security updates and vulnerability assessments.

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    Server Requirements

    • PHP >= 8.2
    • Ctype PHP Extension
    • cURL PHP Extension
    • DOM PHP Extension
    • Fileinfo PHP Extension
    • Filter PHP Extension
    • Hash PHP Extension
    • Mbstring PHP Extension
    • OpenSSL PHP Extension
    • PCRE PHP Extension
    • PDO PHP Extension
    • Session PHP Extension
    • Tokenizer PHP Extension
    • XML PHP Extension
    • Intl PHP Extension
    • GD PHP Extension (or Imagick PHP Extension)
    • PHP Zip Archive
    • Rewrite Module (Apache or Nginx)

    Recommended Hosting for Website: SiteGround | Web Hosting

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